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Here's our test challenge, TEAM WAGS!

Duration: 7 Days

Start Date: Thurs. 1/31/2019

End Date: Thurs. 2/7/2019

Mission: Your mission is to explore the features of Challenge Runner as much as you can and provide feedback for our first campus-wide challenge. Test out the interface, leaderboards, etc.

Prize Details: A pat on the back for a job well done :-)

Challenge Details:

  1. 10 Toe Touches to start the day
    Jump out of bed and start the day with 10 toe touches.
    Stretch tall and reach for the ceiling, then bend at the waist and touch your toes.

  2. Morning Meditation Minute
    Pick a time and location that affords you with at least one quiet morning minute.
    Close your eyes, clear your mind and inhale/exhale deeply for one minute.
    If you can't clear your mind, try to at least reserve the time for positive thoughts.

  3. 10:00 AM Mid Morning Stretch
    Stand up and stretch for one full minute!
    Any kind of stretching/movement you choose.

  4. 10 Minute Afternoon Stroll
    Take 10 minutes in the afternoon, maybe after lunch, to take a 10 minute stroll.
    Go through the neighborhood and appreciate all the surrounding sights and sounds.
    Or, walk through your building and be sure to say HI to people you pass by.

  5. 1:00 PM Mid Afternoon Stretch
    Stand up and stretch for one full minute!
    Any kind of stretching/movement you choose.

  6. Evening Thirst Quench
    Fill up that water bottle before you leave the office and quench your thirst in traffic!

  7. 10 Toe Touches to end the day
    Just before bed, end the day with 10 toe touches.
    Stretch tall and reach for the ceiling, then bend at the waist and touch your toes.

    One challenge point will be rewarded for each activity completed.
    Anyone who reaches 49 points can consider themselves a winner!