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Our first annual Nashville Chapter of the Links, Incorporated  Heart and Soul Wellness Challenge will be held  March 1st -  April 26th ( 8 weeks)!   At the beginning of each year we often commit ourselves and our families to heart healthy initiatives through improved nutrition and increased movement. As Links, we also share our hearts with our community via service projects. In fact, this strong desire to share our heart got us thinking about our approach to the Heart Health Challenge. We believe that supporting others provides a greater sense of wellbeing and strengthens our hearts.  With that in mind, we are allocating Wellness Challenge points to activities in the following categories

  1. Physical Fitness
  2. Spiritual and Mental Wellness
  3. Healthy Eating
  4. Linked in Friendship and Service


Through the Challenge we hope that you will experience opportunities to focus on your heart health, mental health, and strengthen sisterly bonds through friendship and service.   The challenge structure enables you to earn points when you move your feet, engage in healthy eating/wellness habits, and share your heart with your Link sisters and the community.


  • Every Link sister is eligible to sign up to win points. There is no fee to join. Just enter your user name and password into the group challenge page. You can also download the challenge runner app to your phone.   Email Link Etoi Garrison or Link Angela Curry or Link Kecia Carroll if you have questions.
  • Go to the  Challenge Runner website  or phone app daily to enter your points. There is a discription link for each activity that will provide more infomation about the activity and how the points are calculated.  The program  will automaticallyl track your entries and calculate your point totals 
  • Each link sister will be assigned to a team of  2 or 3  randomly by the program administrators.
  • The team with the most points at the end of 8 weeks will win.

First Prize- The winning team will receive a gift bag, and will present a ~$300 donation to one of three charities identified by the Executive board (Local Go-Red for Women American Heart Association Chapter for example)

Second Prize- The winning team will win a gift bag and present a $125 donation to charity on behalf of the Nashville Chapter of the Links, Incorporated to charity. 

Third Prize- The winning team will win present a $75 donation to charity on behalf of the Nashville Chapter of the Links, Incorporated to charity.