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Welcome to the Healthy Lifestyle Clinic Leaderboard Challenge! This site will serve as our Leaderboard.  You will earn points for each activity that you complete.  The more activities you complete, the more points you earn!  We will display the points you earn on a graph as a status reminder, highlighting the "Top Performers" that earn the most points each week.  Those that show the MOST improvement by adding up the most points will earn prizes like gift cards and Grizzlies or Redbirds tickets! 

We do all the tallying and adding, all you need to do is type out the number of minutes of physical activity you do per day, the number of servings of fruits and vegetables you eat per day, and the number of glasses of water you drink per day.  The team leaderboard will be displayed on the homepage of the Challenge Runner website.  Your name won't be visible to the other participants, but you'll be able to see your rank within the total.

This challenge is designed to inspirre you to keep up with the progress of your peers.  Use their progress to motivate your own!  Seeing your own progress from week to week is meant to highlight your improvements as you go.  By tracking your progress, it shows how far you have come! It rewards you for making healthy choices in nutrition and in exercise. As you make progress, you'll gain confidence and momentum in reaching your goals!

Your rank within the leaderboard is counted by points you earn for each activity.  Viewing an online course, taking an online quiz, attending a clinic visit, exercising at home or school, preparing a meal that looks like a "MyPlate", eating fruits and vegetables, and drinking water are all ways to earn points!  The activities are separated into their own entry boxes and are color-coded on the Leaderboard graph.

There is no limit to the number of nutritious meals or exercise posts you can make to earn points. The National Guidelines are: physical activity for 60 minutes a day at least 5 days a week, and a meal that resembles the "MyPlate" meal for 10 meals a week with nutritious and portion-controlled snacks in between meals.  We understand that developing a healthy lifestyle takes time, planning, and adjustment.  We don't expect patients to meet all the guidelines as soon as they join, but should be working towards the guidelines by the end of the 8 week online course. These tasks within the program don't get any easier, but you get better at them the more you stick with the program!

We're excited to have you join us and we can't wait to celebrate your accomplishments!