ChallengeRunner is the Solution to the Workplace Fitness Challenge

According to a recent Towers-Watson study, the use of fitness challenges in the workplace has increased over 40% compared to the previous year and is expected to increase another 33% in 2013. While wellness challenges have proven to be effective for lowering healthcare costs and improving employee performance, the tools to help manage a weight-loss or fitness competition are sorely lacking... Until now.

ChallengeRunner is a state of the art workplace fitness challenge management system designed to be simple yet extremely flexible. No need to spend hours learning to use a new system. Program administrators can have a new challenge based on any criteria up and running in a few minutes and participants invited in a few more. Users log into a simple online user interface, a smartphone app, tracker input, or even text messaging to input data.

ChallengeRunner's cure for the common workplace fitness challenge.
Problem Solution
Participation falling with yet another walking or weight-loss challenge? How about something different? ChallengeRunner was designed around flexibility. Not only can you design and manage a pedometer or weight loss challenge, you can build and track virtually any competition imaginable or run multiple challenge types simultaneously.
Collecting data from participants can be difficult if not impossible ChallengeRunner provides a simple, one-page online user interface which allows employees to enter challenge data at their leisure. Not simple enough... Let users enter data though our smartphone apps, via text message, or automatically using Apple Watch, Fitbit, and Garmin fitness trackers as well as many others!
Collating data by hand or with Excel can be a challenge itself; especially with teams. Let ChallengeRunner crunch all the individual or team numbers for you: check for invalid data, identify inactive participants, and determine the winners. Allowing winners to select from various awards? ChallengeRunner can handle that process too.
Refreshing the leaderboard is a chore and what happens if there are hundreds of participants? ChallengeRunner provides a real-time leaderboard for both participants and administrators. You also have the ability to grant access to others who are not participating but still interested such as directors and executives. Lucky enough to have lots of participants? ChallengeRunner will display results for the participant currently viewing the data and those immediately above and below their position.
Our wellness budget isn't large and you want how much to store some numbers and make a few reports? Although our goal is to be the best solution on the market and not necessarily the least expensive... it just turned out that way. No setup fees. No hidden costs. Just very low weekly fees. If you don't need any extras or automatic tracker syncing, you may use the Community Edition with unlimited users for as long as you like at no cost!
If you have any questions about our services, please fill out the Contact page from the menu or just click the New Organization button at the top of the page to start using your free-trial today.